Monday, March 12, 2007

Allison goes to Japan

Today, in journalism 311, I interviewed Cal State Long Beach classmate Allison Rogers. I interviewed Rogers with the purpose of trying to get to know her, while trying to find a story. The interview was a perfect first-time experience.

The interview began with questions about Rogers' childhood. The interview then continued until I got the story. Her story was about her trip to Japan.

Allison Rogers has experienced Japan
By: Angela Brantley
Health Beat

LONG BEACH, Calif. (March 12, 2007) Allison Rogers, a student at Cal State University of Long Beach, is one of the many students who are pursuing a career in the public relations professions; what sets her apart is her cultural experience in Japan.

Rogers went to Japan for a week for her cousins wedding and experienced a cultural shock that influenced her career decision. Japan was “one of the neatest places I’ve ever been,” said Rogers. Rogers said she recognized her dreams of traveling abroad through public relations when she had her cultural experience in Japan.

Japan’s architecture was advanced, yet traditional, said Rogers. She was astonished by the prevalence of nudity in advertisements and how different food tasted. The wedding customs, such as the music, were also shocking for Rogers.

At the wedding they played traditional Japanese music, as well as country for her uncle, stated Rogers. The overall experience, “opened my eyes,” said Rogers. This experience in Japan was the one that inspired Rogers to pursue public relations, internationally, said Rogers, and now she is one-step ahead in gaining insight into other customs.

Rogers grew up in Huntington Beach and had never traveled farther than the country of Mexico. Rogers added that her dreams of traveling when she was younger might have added to her career pursuits. When she was in high school she was class president, a waitress and a scholarly student; yet, she felt unfulfilled because of her lack of traveling.

According to Rogers, she said she plans on traveling more and, hopefully, returns to Japan soon.

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