Monday, February 26, 2007

The official top five health concerns are now posted

Based on research from academic databases through the Cal State Long Beach library the top five concerns among college students are: alcohol abuse, mental disorders, eating disorders, health care and sexually transmitted diseases.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Researching begins

Today I went with my journalism class to the Cal State Long Beach library. We were taught how to locate useful articles, books and statistics for research on our assigned beats. The lesson was very helpful; it gave me a place to start.

Now that I have started my research, I have a good idea of what the top health concerns are for college students. By next Monday, I have been assigned make a list of the top five concerns. After a little more research I will definitely be prepared with a top five list.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Alcohol consumption a concern for college students

Alcohol consumption for the college-aged is a concern among parents, campus employees and the public. Over the years, “binge” drinking is being linked more frequently to college students. According to national researchers, 44 percent of college students are engaging in “binge” drinking.

Excessive drinking by college students, between the ages of 18 and 24, are leading to negative consequences for the student and innocent bystanders. Research suggests that college students are to blame for 1,400 deaths, 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of assault and rape. High-risk drinking also harms the students and their performance in school. Twenty-five percent of students who are “binge” drinkers experience problems such as: missing class, falling behind, doing poorly on exams and receiving lower grades.

If you are a student, between the age of 18 and 24, you need to take precautions before consuming alcohol. Be well informed about the consequences of drinking and establish limits. Drinking can be done in moderation to save the lives of yourself, and others.

Monday, February 5, 2007

First day of the health beat, what should I do?

Welcome to the first posting of the Health Beat. My name is Angela Brantley and I am a student at Cal State Long Beach, where I am enrolled in Journalism 311, with Dr. William A. Mulligan. My assignment is to document my personal thoughts along with health issues affecting students locally and internationally.

I am excited to begin Journalism 311 and to start my journey as a journalist. Although, along with my excitement, I also feel a sense of nervousness to find out if I will make it in journalism.

What I share with most students is the stress that is usually accompanied with school, work and social factors that can affect your day-to-day agendas and even possibly your own physical health.